The palpable idiocy of the new best-selling book: “The Secret”

Here’s a good way to save yourself $23.95: Don’t buy The Secret.  It’s not that I’m against secrets in general, it’s just that I want to spare you from wasting your money on a hot new book called “The Secret,” a book that has hit a new low in shallow, self-absorbed and insipid hype.  There is almost nothing in this book worth reading, which is a pretty amazing thing to say about a a book that is featured prominently at Borders and other large bookstores.  It’s has even become the number one best selling hardcover advice book according to the NYT.  And why wait to make it into a movie?  Truly, why wait?

I don’t know much about Rhonda Byrne, the author, or her gaggle of “great writers, leaders, philosophers, doctors, and scientists.”  Byrne presents an unlikely image of a sage.  She attempts to strike a pensive blonde pose on that the inside flap, yet obliviously presents herself as strained, contorted and out of her element. Much like her book.  Or am I too contaminated by the shallow, self-absorbed and insipid hype that one finds wrapped in that beautifully designed book jacket? Truly, the book jacket is gorgeous, though you would get equally helpful advice (perhaps more) by trying to “read” a Persian rug.

You’re impatient, though.  You want the goods.  Here they are: What can you say about a book based on the following premise: “Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life.  …


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How does one raise a thoughtful, moral and religion-free child?

Ebonmuse (one of our authors, who also writes thoughtful posts at Daylight Atheism) recently interviewed Dale McGowan who has edited a book of essays on raising a child without religion.  McGowan’s book, Parenting Beyond Belief, will be released next month.

Ebonmuse writes:

The book features original essays by Richard Dawkins, Julia Sweeney, Penn Jillette, Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, Michael Shermer, and more . . .

This book looks to be of superlative scope and quality, covering a wide range of important topics: religiously mixed marriages, secular education, humanist ceremonies, moral instruction, teaching children about death, and more.  [B]ooks like this may well be at the forefront of the “third wave” of atheist activism – atheists moving into society, living alongside everyone else in openness and honesty, establishing a set of social structures that can directly compete with and provide an alternative to religion.

Ebonmuse’s post intrigued me enough that I placed my order for a copy of Parenting Beyond Belief.  I look forward to reading it, then discussing it on this site.

In the meantime, I’ve been busy raising two open-minded daughters (aged 6 and 8 ) without the benefit of McGowan’s book.  Notice that I’m not really trying to raise them “without religion.”  We regularly discuss various religious traditions. On several occasions, I’ve taken my daughters to churches (not just weddings and funerals). One of my daughters received 1 1/2 years of her kindergarten and 1st grade school education at a neighborhood Catholic school.  …


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Does reading violent scripture make people violent?

Haven't we heard this argument before, at least in the context of television violence?  Does exposure to violence breed violence? Many people would suggest a connection, but here's a twist: a study that considered the effect of exposure to violent scripture. In the March 8, 2007 edition of Nature (this article…

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More on Who changed the Bible and why? Bart Ehrman’s startling answers

Administrator’s Note: More than 530 comments have been posted to our original post regarding Bart Ehrman--  making that page too long for some computers to download and display quickly and properly.  Therefore, we are not allowing any new comments to be added to the original post. Please use this page to…

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