Want to turn your house green? Not if your homeowner association can help it.

According to Alternet, instead of applauding those new solar panels you just installed, your homeowner association might sue you: On April 14, in more than 1,400 locations from coast to coast, Americans rallied around the goal of reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent within the next four decades. On April…

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No one is suffering more than President Bush

Mrs. Bush recently made it clear to the American people that with regard to Iraq, "no one suffers more than their President and I do." Yeah, right . . . [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIuODSIuHLo&eurl[/youtube] In my opinion, our Narcisist-in-Chief has a psychological 12-foot high wall that prevents him from feeling true empathy. How…

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Conservatives aren’t funny

Why not? Two reasons, according to Ellis Weiner on Huffpo.  "There are two reasons. One is that they're not funny. The other is that they're not conservatives."   Not funny?  Weiner describes conservative humor: Whereas political humor, by definition, is anti-power. It makes fun of those in power -- that's what…

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Chocolate provides more of a physiological buzz than kissing

This important breaking science news was reported by the BBC: When it comes to tongues, melting chocolate is better than a passionate kiss, scientists have found. Couples in their 20s had their heart rates and brains monitored whilst they first melted chocolate in their mouths and then kissed. Chocolate caused…

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Garrison Keillor comments on “The Chosen President”

Garrison Keillor has written a Salon.com article titled "The chosen president: For the Current Occupant, it's enough to believe that he's been ordained by God. What does it matter what anyone else thinks?"  Here's an excerpt: Clearly the Current Occupant sees himself as a chosen president, though his theology is…

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