Did you ever see Stephen Colbert totally unnerved?

Jane Fonda succeeded, using some rather unusual techniques.   I've really enjoyed watching Colbert toy with his guests, but I've never before seen him fall so far out of character. BTW - It appears that Colbert's videos have been removed from sites like YouTube.   Many of them are available at Colbert…

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Betamax promo takes us way back in time . . .

Check out Sony’s 1975 promo for Betamax.  More specifically, this is a seven-minute vintage promotional video for the Sony Trinitron/Betamax console   You probably know at least part of the Betamax story:  Betamax, a superior video product, was beat out by VHS.  I am sharing this video because it serves quite well as a…

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How to end the Iraq Occupation: make all of us pay as we go

This is the proposal by Dave Johnson of Huffpo: "If the COSTS of the occupation were actually being paid by the public-at-large -- instead of borrowing the money and making our kids pay it off -- it would end tomorrow."  Here's the plan: 1) A huge-ass whopping tax on everyone…

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