Mother Teresa secretly doubted God’s existence

OK, believers.  It's allright for the rest of you guys to step forth and admit those doubts that all of you have.  CBS has reported that Mother Teresa has unwittingly led the way, thanks to the disclosure of tormented letters she wrote: Shortly after beginning work in Calcutta's slums, the…

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Iraq doesn’t exist anymore

That is the opinion of Nir Rosen, independent journalist and the author of "In the Belly of the Green Bird: The Triumph of the Martyrs in Iraq."  In this interview with Amy Goodman of Rosen comments that Iraq is still losing 50,000 people per month.  Where are these refugees…

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It’s time to bomb Iran, per FOX

If you somehow haven't yet figured out how the incessant lies of FOX led us to begin the senseless bloody occupation of Iraq, you can catch it all again. Except it's about Iran now. This video comparing the FOX campaigns against Iraq and Iran is almost unbelievable. Is there anyone…

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