Because we’re “kicking ass” in Iraq, President Bush should lead a parade through downtown Baghdad

I’m having a bit of trouble understanding all of the newly released reports coming out about Iraq.  Luckily for everyone, when Australia Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile recently asked President Bush for an update on Iraq, the President told him “We’re kicking ass.” OK.  Fair enough.  That sums it up…

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Vengefulness, bigotry and machismo as justifications for U.S. Middle East meddling

I recently discussed American foreign policy with an attorney over lunch.  Over the years, this fellow had generally shown himself to be thoughtful on many issues.  He is a meticulous lawyer, charged with parsing out bits of relevant evidence regarding the dozens of cases on which he works every day. It eventually became…

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FOX tries to make Ron Paul invisible

If you don't think that FOX news is absolutely corrupt, and that FOX has drunk lots of concentrated neocon Koolaid, take a look at the furious spin job FOX did during the first Republican debate. This video has been doctored by Ron Paul's people, sometimes in an entertaining way. The…

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O’Reilly and Ron Paul debate U.S. Middle East policy

This one is difficult to watch because O'Reilly is so utterly condescending and so unwilling to allow his guest (Ron Paul) to speak. The debate does capture the neocon perspective (O'Reilly) and Paul's view, to which I am sympathic. Ron Paul argues that our "troubles" in the Middle East are…

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How we’ve changed since Nuremberg

This is an excerpt from a book written by presidential candidate Chris Dodd: "For six decades, we learned the lessons of the Nuremberg men and women well," the presidential candidate writes in his book, "Letters from Nuremberg" published this week. "We didn't start wars — we ended them. We didn't…

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