The killing fields of Iraq

According to this article in Alternet, a British polling firm has concluded that "1.2 million Iraqis have met violent deaths since the 2003 invasion."  More disturbing, Americans have no idea that their invasion has caused such misery and, for the most part, the American media doesn't care about reporting these…

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How to Swift Boat any person, every time

Most rational people wouldn’t consider running for a prominent political office for fear of what would happen to their reputations.  Their worries are well-founded.  That is why so many people would never run for office, which serves to filter out the best and brightest potential candidates.  This filtering process endangers our…

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It’s time to repeal “Thou shalt not kill.”

“Thou shalt not kill” (often translated as “You shall not murder”) has outlived its usefulness.   It’s time to repeal this Commandment.  Better yet, we should rewrite it to reflect society’s true moral policy regarding human conduct that causes death. Rewrite it as: “You may act in such a way that…

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Conservative columnists dominate America’s newspapers

According to this article in Media Matters, Editor and Publisher have painstakingly gathered data to determine what types of columnists are being published in what markets. The results demonstrate a strong conservative bias in most newspapers.  Here are some of the results from the Executive Summary of the study: Sixty percent…

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Should young children watch television?

Here's an interview with journalist Lisa Guernsey, the author of a new book on this multi-faceted topic of television and young children.  Her book is titled Into the Minds of Babes: How Screen Time Affects Children from Birth to Age Five. Guernsey was asked about Baby Einstein (I previously discussed this product at…

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