On the U.S. Military Industrial Complex

Here are some terrific video clips of President Eisenhower and, more recently, of former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel.  As Gravel plainly states, no president since Eisenhower has dared to talk about the elephant in the room, the military industrial complex.  Our leaders rarely speak of it because it has so…

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Fake Democracy; Fake freedom to choose.

I wish I could have taken credit for writing an article I just read:  The presidential primary scam: Why the game is rigged, and why true democracy is only a secondary factor in the nation's rush to nominate the next president.   The author is Michael Scherer. Here a taste of…

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The devastation of the recorded music industry

It's getting harder and harder to sell recorded music, though live concerts are still viable, according to this article by the London Times. What looks like commercial suicide is, in today’s reality, sound business sense. Records, CDs or downloads now have all become downgraded to the status of promotional tools…

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Treating depression with drugs v. exercise

What's the preferred treatment for Major Depressive Disorder?  According to this study by a large team of researchers, anti-depressant medication and exercise led to comparable results.  The exercise consisted of 10 minutes of warming up, then 30 minutes of jogging or brisk walking, enough to get to 70% of maximum heart…

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