Knowing when to give the hook to tech support

How long should you let them string you along unproductively before hanging up and trying again?

The trick to using tech support over the phone is to quickly size up whether the alleged tech support expert on the other end of the line actually knows anything.  If not, think of a reason to end the call.  Any reason.  Then call back and you’ll likely get another person.  My recent experiences confirmed the wide disparity in competence among those who allegedly do tech support.  I’ve learned my lesson, I think.   I need to stop being too patient.  I’ve renouced my willingness to sit there waiting for the “expert” to flip through endless knowledge base screens, for instance.

This weekend was a long weekend, tech-support-speaking.  I needed to help my mother install a router and help her set up her new HP notebook computer.  I assumed that these tasks would take about an hour, so I allowed myself three hours.  As it turned out, it took about six hours.  Plus, I had tech support issues of my own when I got back home. Things often aren’t what they purport to be when it comes to upgrading and improving one’s gadgetry. 

The Linksys router came with lots of warnings: “Insert CD-ROM first.”  So that’s what I did.  I put the disk into my mom’s old desktop computer and followed the instructions meticulously until I came upon a screen that requested a lot of information I didn’t have or didn’t understand.  By that point, …


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More than 800 highly qualified scientists support evolution

Oh, and they're all named "Steve."  It's all part of "Project Steve," begun in 2003.   These Steves are mostly biologists and they are mostly PhDs.  They are all highly qualified and the are each affiliated with highly reputable institutions.  They've all publicly agreed to this statement, in honor of Stephen J.…

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Our civic religion

This article by Dave Brichous sums up the components our our National Faith. These components, considered together, constitute our "patriotized history": Rather than telling the truth about U.S. actions in other people’s countries, mainstream media present us with a false picture, a patriotized history. In this imaginary world, U.S. actions have…

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Who is that screwing around with armed nuclear weapons?

Perhaps the rule should be that countries that don't show the utmost care for nuclear weapons shouldn't be allowed to have any.  Oops, that's us, according to the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force said Friday it has punished 70 airmen involved in the accidental, cross-country flight of…

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