White House muzzles yet another government scientist

The story was published by the Washington Post: Testimony that the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention planned to give yesterday to a Senate committee about the impact of climate change on health was significantly edited by the White House, according to two sources familiar with the…

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Moving continents!

Lots of depictions of continent movement can be found here. PALEOMAP Project "is to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years." Remember when you could throw a stone from Florida…

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Unvarnished horror stories for children

Here's a post summarizing the original versions of seven popular fairy tales. Some gory stuff, indeed: What is creepier than kids, parents, evilness, sorceresses, wolves, and cannibalism? Before the stories were ripped from their horror roots, they were just right for scary, gory films. The early days of fairy tales…

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The financial cost of U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

As reported by The Raw Story, the U.S. is hemorhaging money into it's Middle East adventures.  The numbers are staggering: The United States is spending about $8,000 per man, woman and child in the country to pursue wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to new estimates that show the wars…

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