High rate of suicide reported for U.S. veterans

At least 6256 US veterans committed suicide in 2005 - an average of 17 a day - the network reported, with veterans overall more than twice as likely to take their own lives as the rest of the general population. While the suicide rate among the general population was 8.9…

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Can you forge character out in the suburbs?

This question is not really fair.  After all, there are many people out in the suburbs who don't have it easy and there are many people living in the city who have never had to overcome serious challenges. Nonetheless, it is my prejudice that those people with the highest character,…

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Video questions for the candidates

Over the past several weeks, people around the country have submitted questions to 10Questions.com. The 10 highest-rated posts will be answered by the presidential candidates. Here are some of the questions: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7J4gfByYqY[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBJzF8T6Y8[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGnUs_X0nQA&l[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbvYv6_2RIg&l[/youtube] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faT38EmqR18&l[/youtube] To vote on these questions or many other questions, go here.

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Ann Druyan’s advice: Use “subnatural” instead of “supernatural”

Words have great power to frame thoughts. Here's a good example reported by Ebonmuse of Daylight Atheism, reporting on the recent Secular Society Conference in NY: The conference organizers next played a rare audio recording of [Carl] Sagan reading the famous passage, Reflections on a Mote of Dust, from his book…

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