A plan to convert the people who don’t like homosexuals because gay sex is “unnatural”

I don’t often think about the sexual lives of gay people. I just don’t.  Whatever any two consenting adults do to pleasure themselves in private is none of my business.

Many political and religious conservatives differ from me in this regard.  Many conservatives are obsessed with thoughts that adult gay people are having consensual gay sex. Those conservatives pace their hallways at home and at the office fretting that gays are sexually satisfying each other in private. For proof, Google “God homosexual” and you’ll find more than one-half million web sites, almost all of them written by conservatives who argue that homosexuality is “unnatural” and that the Bible prohibits it.   

At this site, we’ve sometimes discussed this conservative obsession with gay sex.  What does Jesus say about homosexuality?  Nothing. With regard to the Old Testament, we’ve warned of the need to beware of the ubiquitous cherry picking of Bible literalists. See here and here and see Mark Tiedemann’s commentary on the conservative spin regarding homosexuality.

Here is some additional evidence to show how amazingly obsessed conservatives are regarding homosexuality.  This is truly amazing.  Check out Conservapedia, a Wiki geared to conservatives [thanks to The Carpet Bagger Report for this tip]  As indicated on the “Statistics” page of Conservapedia, the site contains almost 50,000 content pages covering a wide array of topics (all of them written from a notably conservative perspective). Now take a look at the following list of the top-rated pages in Conservapedia.  Most of them, however, concern …


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Say what?

I just found another interesting article at the U.N. Observer. It reports on the recent dismissal of a suit for damages filed by prisoners being held at Guantanamo: In a 43-page opinion, Circuit Judge Karen Lecraft Henderson found that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a statute that applies by its…

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Steven Pinker tells us what’s new in the study of morality

In Steven Pinker's article, published in the NYT Magazine, you'll learn of many of the new developments in the scientific study of morality, many of these new findings unearthed by neuroscientists.  The study of morality has come a long way in the past ten years.  It's no longer an exercise in…

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