To save the environment – don’t get divorced

Two can live more energy-efficiently than one, according to this article from New Scientist:  “Divorced households are smaller than married households, but consume more land, water, and energy per person than married households,” says Jianguo Liu of Michigan State University in East Lansing, US, who carried out the 12-country analysis with…

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Big problems with how we nominate our president

Marty Kaplan writes about big  problems with our political primary system: What I'm trying to get at is the stupendous sense of powerlessness among our citizenry that our current political system has created. It's as though the best democracy can do is to cough up this beast that we're being…

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FCC chairman Kevin Martin is again inviting big media to consolidate. has presented a must-read interview with do-gooder FCC Commissioner Michael Copps.  The audacity of the FCC chairman is simply unbelievable.  First of all, here is the intro to the article: Michael Copps doesn't want to be called a crusader. But as one of the two Democrats on the five-member Federal Communications…

Continue ReadingFCC chairman Kevin Martin is again inviting big media to consolidate.