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Mike Lester, The Rome News-Tribune     by Mike Keefe, The Denver Post   Tab, The Calgary Sun by John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri [admin note:  DI proudly supports cartoonists through its subscription to Cagle Cartoons.  Each of these cartoons is printed with full permission]

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Think solar, U.S.

Scientific American has just published a comprehensive article on how to switch the United States substantially over to sunlight. The headline: "By 2050 solar power could end U.S. dependence on foreign oil and slash greenhouse gas emissions." The cost of this immense clean-energy-producing plan would be $420 billion. That's a HUGE…

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Don’t mistakenly conclude that “experts” are wise. has just released it's Annual Question.  This year's version: WHAT HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND ABOUT? WHY?"  I've read a couple dozen answers so far. As always, the answers are intellectually stimulating, challenging to common sense and entertaining. Television producer Karl Sabbagh weighs in this year with his realization that expertise has serious…

Continue ReadingDon’t mistakenly conclude that “experts” are wise.