Are schools killing creativity?

In this entertaining video, Ken Robinson discusses the critical role creativity should play in education. Robinson is the author of Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. Robinson argues that Western education has failed to teach young people to think critically about life, art, culture, and humanism. Instead, most education is geared to producing workers. In the process, most education systems downplay or even disparage art: "Don't do music; you're not going to be a musician." Many brilliant people are taught to think that they are failures because the things they do well--often valuable things-are not valued by most schools. Robinson argues that we've got to develop a new "ecology" of education--we've got to stop "strip-mining young minds."

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How to tell if you are a “fundy”

I caught this list of telltale signs over at De-conversion:  Resources for Skeptical, De-converting or Former Christians.  Here are a few items from the list: You see nothing wrong with stating “facts” about what God thinks as if you are His personal secretary. You complain about Christians not being allowed…

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Americans consume too much and that is going to change dramatically.

Jared Diamond is a professor of geography at the University of California, Los Angeles, as well as the author of  “Guns, Germs and Steel” and "Collapse."  In an op-ed piece in the January 2, 2008 NYT, he reports that American rates of resource consumption are horribly out of wack with the…

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