Another book argues that teenage girls would rather be sexy than clever.

The Telegraph is reporting on a new book that argues that teenaged girls are being corrupted by distorted images of what it means to be a woman.  In a society that celebrates people such as Paris Hilton, girls are being brainwashed into believing that promiscuity is synonymous with success, says…

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Obama’s rebuke to the Clintons

The South Carolina results are in.  Barack Obama has obtained 55% of the votes in a three-way race.  In his victory speech, Obama eloquently scolded the Clintons for their divisive politics.   This criticism becomes evident at the five minute mark and crescendos at about the nine minute mark.  Andrew Sullivan…

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More cartoons from around the world

Note from Erich:  DI has a purchased a license from Cagle Cartoons to publish these cartoons.  We are proud to support the work of these cartoonists. I thought I'd mention a bit more about Cagle.   It is an organization owned by cartoonists for the benefit of cartoonists.  Cagle publishes the works of…

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The United States has no energy policy.

As writer Thomas Friedman explains, we only have energy POLITICS.  Shame on us for screwing around with an issue that has massive repercussions for national security.  In September 2007, Tom Friedman gave a succinct (11 minute) speech to the Rocky Mountain Institute. Friedman is a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist with the…

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