Bush: No need to look for fraud in Afghanistan or Iraq!

New unbelievable rule from the Bush Administration, as reported by MSNBC: A Bush administration plan to crack down on contract fraud has a multibillion-dollar loophole: The proposal to force companies to report abuse of taxpayer money will not apply to work overseas, including projects to secure and rebuild Iraq and…

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Congress: It’s OK for phone companies to spy on their customers

This bit of depressing news was reported by The Crypt:  An attempt to strip lawsuit immunity for telecom firms which helped the government tap phone calls fell well short in the Senate, leaving liberal Democrats on the losing side of what they believe is a fundamental civil liberties debate. Only…

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WordPress upgrade for Dangerous Intersection

Bear with us as we improve this site. I realize that the comments function was not working this morning. That has now been fixed. Also, posting capacity was down for awhile. Those problems have been ironed out. We're making lots of changes here, most of them to the backside of…

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Uninventing suburbia

This article by Alex Williams covers a lot of territory, including: The environmental costs of suburban life, which evolved around the highway system, cheap oil, and the automobile and now typically consumes several times more energy per person (and thus fossil fuels) than urban living. There’s all that driving. There…

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The difference between mainstream public opinion and the “mainstream media”

Here are the major differences, set forth by Harvey Wasserman of Free Press: As we stumble toward another presidential election, it’s never been more clear that our political process is being warped by a corporate stranglehold on the free flow of information. Amidst a virtual blackout of coverage of a…

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