Why are so many Presidents left-handed?

I often notice left-handedness, perhaps because I am a left-hander.  A few days ago, while watching a video of the most recent Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama debate, I noticed that Barack Obama was left-handed (he was taking notes with his left hand).   That video reminded me that Bill Clinton was also…

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Is being “certain” an intellectual conclusion?

Robert Burton has writen a book entitled On Being Certain:  Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not.   I haven't read this book yet, but the topic Burton raises is a compelling topic to me (I called my prior post "I don't know").  Here's the thesis from Burton's web site: Despite…

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What it was like living in the U.S. 100 years ago

I subscribe to Funny Times, a monthly humor publication filled with cartoons and humorous essays.  I consider it great bang for the buck, at a cost of about two dollars per issue. In the March 2008 edition of Funny Times, Phil Proctor compiled some stunning statistics in his column (he calls…

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25th Anniversary of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory

The Wall Street Journal has published a short article commemorating the book in which psychologist Howard Gardner announced his theory of the "multiple intelligences": Frames of Mind (1983).   [I'd recommend starting with Gardner's 2000 sequel: Intelligence Reframed]. This WSJ article is light-hearted, though it makes some serious points along the way.   It reads…

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The night the plagiarism charge died

The "plagiarism" charge died last night. Actually, it was already dead. But maybe, just maybe, Hillary Clinton finally realizes it. During her debate with Barack Obama, when she pulled out her well-rehearsed plagiarism charge she was greeted with a bit of applause, then a shower of boos by the audience.…

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