Who is better equipped to answer that phone at 3 am?

Larry David is convinced that it's not Hillary Clinton: Here's an idea for an Obama ad: a montage of Clinton's Sybillish personalities that have surfaced during the campaign with a solemn voiceover at the end saying, "Does anyone want this nut answering the phone?" How is it that she became…

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A list of popular fake comments by spammers

Those guys who send out spam by the bucket-load are really busy these days.    In the past month alone they have tried to sneak more than 9,000 of their fake comments onto this site.  These "comments" are attached to links to various sites selling drugs, loans, pornography and you name it. …

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To what extent does the United States Government illegally spy on U.S. citizens?

In today's column, Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com offers links to numerous credible resources that document: 1. That the U.S. Government has illegally spied on thousands of Americans and continues to illegally spy on Americans. 2. That the White House blatantly lies about this gross misuse of government power; 3. That…

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