Religion can be harmful to your health.

Fifty people stared straight at the sun to see the Virgin Mary and caused themselves to go blind.  It happened in THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, India. At least 50 people in Kottayam district have reportedly lost their vision after gazing at the sun looking for an image of Virgin Mary. Though alarmed health…

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Do the various claims of miracles made by conflicting religions serve as evidence that all such claims are false?

David Hume made the argument that the various claims of miracles made by conflicting religions serve as evidence that no such claims are true.   The topic is thoughtfully discussed by Ebonmuse at Daylight Atheism: In other words, Hume says, the conflicting miracle claims of various religions cancel each other out.…

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I know that I am wealthy when I consider my lack of misfortune.

I am a wealthy person, but not in the way most people understand “wealthy.”  I don’t drive an expensive car (I drive a 9-year old Saturn).   I don’t own a vacation house.  I don’t expect to retire for many years. 

I am wealthy because I am a survivor.  I have repeatedly escaped adversity and I’ve repeatedly stumbled into enough lucky situations.   These unplanned events add up to an undeniable and compelling form of wealth.

When most people consider how “fortunate” they are, they engage in some form of “accounting.”  For starters, they add up their savings and they subtract amounts they owe to others.   That gives them a financial base line.  There’s more to figuring wealth, of course.  

Some people consider their health when they assess their wealth.  If their bodies are in tolerable working order, that’s something well worth noting, especially for those over thirty.   Among people discussing age, I often assert that after thirty, “age” is mostly about health rather than chronological age.  Young adults snicker at this (I used to).  But imagine a room full of forty-year olds.  Everyone in the room is about forty, but just look how different they are!  Some of them look and act like they’re 25 and others are functional 75 year olds, often due to obesity, history of injury or illness, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, lack of sleep or various detrimental addictions.  The bottom line is that if you’re body is working even tolerably, that’s a big plus when figuring …


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What did Barack Obama say about invading Iraq in 2002?

Obama's full speech is here.    What follows is a long excerpt from this October 2, 2002 speech: Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and…

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NASA’s satellite photos of planet Earth.

Here's a composite photo of the Earth at night, published by NASA: The brightest lights correlate with the densest populations. No political boundary lines are visible, of course.   I once had a framed poster of this sort of image in my office.  One of my co-workers asked: "Did they take that…

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