How many men are unknowlingly raising another man’s child?

I've sometimes wondered this, and this article in Discover Magazine presents the answer.  Four percent of men are raising another man's child: From the clinics to the courts, routine DNA tests uncover genetic identities—and even family secrets. British public-health researchers examined nearly 50 years of medical data from around the…

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What’s really happening in Iraq?

Most American media tells you nothing at all about what's happening to real people on the ground.  This lack of information is astounding, given the Bush Administration's constant claims of "success" in Iraq.   I'm tired of reading sterilized accounts of life in the Green Zone.   I really want to know…

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It never occurred to me to literally nail myself to a cross.

When I saw this article at MSNBC, I thought it was a joke.   But no, it was no joke.  Check out the photo.   Apparently, 30 men and one woman residing in the Philippines actually had themselves nailed to crosses.  They went through the Good Friday rites in three villages in…

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