Bill Moyers: The Senate vote to stop Big Media is a “flare in the sky.”

This is great news! The U.S. Senate has slapped down the FCC's December 2007 invitation to allow big media corporations to further consolidate their media holdings. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), a co-sponsor of the bill disapproving of the FCC invitation to further consolidate big media, had urged the House to…

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What can you do when the police dig through your garbage without your permission?

What can you do if the police dig through your garbage without your permission?   You  get even by digging through their garbage.   Willamette Weekly published this article back in 2002. Their idea was both simple and effective.  Whose garbage did they investigate?: We chose District Attorney Mike Schrunk because his…

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I've been following various articles in my local newspaper and local television "news," looking for some recognition of the seriousness of the problem with soaring energy prices. This problem is entirely predictable by reference to the simple economic relationship between supply and demand. We've got a finite diminishing supply of…

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Corporate media executives forced reporters to write pro-Bush pro-war stories

We all know that the media networks helped beat the drums to invade Iraq. It's clear from these stats: out of the 343 interviews conducted by network news prior to the Iraq invasion, only three involved an antiwar spokesperson. Glenn Greenwald has now shown the incredible extent to which the…

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