Tim Russert is being called a great journalist merely because he recently died.

Tim Russert is dead and it is certainly a tragedy for his family and friends. May he rest in peace. Contrary to what numerous media sources are now reporting, however, Russert was not a great journalist. Rather, he was one of the many modern celebrity journalists who got so incredibly…

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Dennis Kucinich files 35 articles of impeachment against George W. Bush

Why should President Bush be impeached at this point in time? That was the subject of this article at DemocracyNow. Dennis Kucinich, a member of the House of Representatives from Ohio pointed to the concern that President Bush intends to bomb Iran based on lies. He repeatedly indicated that impeachment…

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How well do old brains work?

This year's presidential campaign offers a choice between 72-year old John McCain and 46-year old Barack Obama.  This large difference in age provoked Christopher Beam of Slate to review the scientific literature comparing the function of old brains versus younger brains.  Here are a few things to contemplate, assuming your…

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The death of vacations

More and more Americans are foregoing vacations, according to this statistics-laden article in Slate.com: Each passing year, more Americans view something that used to be an entitlement—paid time off—as an increasingly unaffordable or unavailable luxury. If John McCain and Barack Obama are serious about wooing working-class voters, they would be…

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