Cloud Gate: Chicago’s big “egg” sculpture at Millenium Park

Ever been to Chicago's Millenium Park? If so, you've probably had some from at the "egg," more properly known as "Cloud Gate." My family and I just returned from a perfect three-day trip to Chicago, where we made two visits to "Cloud Gate," a tremendously fun and interactive sculpture at…

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Demographic Inversion at work in U.S. cities

Many U.S. cities are starting to look more "European," in that the affluent residents are moving toward the city centers, while the less affluent are moving more toward the areas they can best afford: the outskirts.  The New Republic's Alan Ehrenhalt describes this phenomenon in an article entitled "Trading Places":…

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Dennis Kucinich warns America to wake up

Dennis Kucinich gives a six-minute summary of the disaster that has been occurring over the past eight years. According to Kucinich, what the neocons want to do is to drill into our wallets some more. I concur entirely. We truly need to wake up.  We excel at being complacent (and…

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Censorship of views critical of religion, out of fear or “respect”

In modern times in the U.S., do we self-censor out of fear or allegedly of out respect?   We certainly do, for both "reasons." At Daylight Atheism, Ebonmuse has published a post describing a modern example of self-censorship, this one involving the story of a nine-year old girl who was forced…

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Joe Biden on Iraq: there is no military solution

According to Biden, we need to cut the talk about courage and, instead, designate an objective.  But in doing so, we need to acknowledge that there is no military solution to Iraq. This speech, given with regard to the Reid's proposed joint resolution, is a passionate talk that gives you a…

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