McCain: the “Reformed Maverick”

I'm aware that I'm posting repeatedly to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.   I will continue to do so as long as they make the obvious points that the corporate media is choking on. Along these same lines, consider Frank Rich's article in the NYT, where Rich documents McCains sellout.   He…

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McCain campaign: Real journalists will not have access to Sarah Palin

Real journalists will not have access to Palin.  That's the clear message by Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign. [youtube][/youtube] Andrew Sullivan writes: "I'm simply staggered that someone who could be president in an instant next January has been in her position for a week and cannot be asked questions…

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Dialoguing with people with whom we sharply disagree

Barack Obama has often argued that the United States needs to sit down to talk with its avowed enemies.  This willingness to talk outrages many conservatives.   they argue, "How can talking to one's enemies ever lead to anything worthwhile?" Well, it might lead to increased understanding of each other's points…

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Are we competing? A tale of two bicyclists.

As I've indicated before, I live about 4 1/2 miles from the office where I work as an attorney.  Because I cycle about 14 mph on average, I am about 20 minutes away from work by bicycle.  That's only ten minutes more than it takes to drive.  Riding a bike…

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