Looking for practical uses for psychology?

Psyblog has lots of useful and succinct articles on psychology. The writing, which often draws from newly released research published by psychological journals, really gets to the point. This article, "Ten Practical Uses for Psychological Research in Everyday Life," contains a list of practical uses for psychology. I found myself…

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George Carlin’s final national performance is available on YouTube

Tonight I watched “It’s Bad For Ya,” George Carlin’s final nationally televised performance. The entire show is available on YouTube (Below is Part I of VII). The show was broadcast live on March 1, 2008, only a few months prior to Carlin’s death (due to a heart attack, on June…

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My not-so-terrifying encounter with a syndactylist.

My family shared a vacation house with several other families this year.  One afternoon, one of my wife's friends (a philosophy professor in his 40's) was relaxing on the porch when I looked down and noticed his unusual right foot: I found myself blurting out, "So tell me about your…

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