No pity for FOX “news”

Quite predictably, FOX didn' "hear" any of these protesters address any real issues.  That's because FOX doesn't want to hear things like "Stop the War" and "Stop the torture."   [youtube][/youtube] FOX got exactly the chant it deserved at the end of this video.   That's some free speech for you, FOX. …

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It takes conflict among colleges to make education interesting to the media

If the media really wanted to know about the kind of education offered by America's colleges, they could visit any of hundreds of fine colleges hundreds of days each year. It's a rare day, however, when any corporate media outlet takes interest in education of any sort. Unless, of course,…

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Jurors are showing some frustration with bicycle riders

An acquaintance, a bicyclist, sent this article to me.   The article was then picked up by a blog called "Chicago Bicycle Laws." According to the first article, by Ray Thomas of Portland, Oregon, lawyers who handle bicycle cases are noticing that jurors are showing increasing frustration with injured cyclists: When…

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