Sarah Palin’s downward spiral picks up speed.

Andrew Sullivan is saying it like it is and he is thus getting pummeled by many conservatives.  But the conservative press nonetheless refuses to acknowledge and discuss Sarah Palin's lies: [N]o one at the Corner has the intellectual honesty to discuss the lies that the McCain camp has been putting…

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It’s irresponsible to be discussing lipstick on pigs while the U.S. is in decay

Why is McCain so irresponsible?   Because he is spewing lies (and see here).   But that is only half the reason McCain is so irresponsible.   The other half of the reason is that McCain is failing to deal with multi-front crises faced by the United States.   We are a nation in…

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Warning: the candidate for Vice-President knows nothing about foreign policy

I have only seen this excerpt of Charlie Gibson's interview of Sarah Palin, not the whole interview.  So far, it confirms the impression of all honest self-critical people.   Sarah Palin resembles a high school student trying to bluff her way through an answer in class.   She is incompetent to be…

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The lies of McCain – the video.

These dishonest and despicable ads show that McCain has no honor in modern times.   He has now expended all of whatever good will he once had. [youtube][/youtube] The person who approved these ads cannot be trusted to assume a leadership position of any organization.  These ads are far beyond spinning. …

Continue ReadingThe lies of McCain – the video.