A comprehensive collection of McCain’s Lies – McCainpedia

If you've become disoriented by McCain's many lies, trying to keep track of what lies McCain has told, where and when, consider visiting McCainpedia. The lie-counter at the McCainpedia currently documents 52 big whoppers.  The site offers quite a few links and explanations to give context to the lies. Here's…

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Conservatives get an “F” on national security

It's time to loudly proclaim to your Republican acquaintances that national security is about truly protecting the United States.   It's not about merely making claims that wasteful policies are protecting the United States.   Here is the challenge for Republicans:  connect the dots from Republican real-world policies to some measurable…

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Palin, the alleged energy expert

According to John McCain, Sara Palin "knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America." Here's Tom Tomorrow's response: Really? Sarah Palin knows more about energy than, say, anyone in the Department of Energy, thousands of Ph.Ds in academia, or the CEOs of dozens of…

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Would you let a five-year-old child make important decisions affecting your future? We all did this.

Over the years, I’ve often thought of the following quote: “The child is father of the man.”  These words often haunt me deeply.  They capture the absurd but true notion that each of us is nurtured and tutored (and sometimes damaged or destroyed) by younger versions of ourselves.

At one time, I thought the meaning of this quote was obvious, but now I see that it isn’t obvious at all. By the way, my interpretation has nothing to do with the fact that the quote is written in a masculine version.  The quote could and should be translated to cover both male and female.  Something like, “The Child is the parent of the Adult.”

The quote appears as part of a poem by Wordsworth:


My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

What, then, is the meaning of “”The child is father of the man”? Here is my interpretation. Think of the person you are today. Think of the life that you are currently living.  Consider both the predicaments you are now in and the joys you are now experiencing. Much of that (or all of that) has been made …


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