Why isn’t Barack Obama way ahead in the polls?

Why isn't Senator Barack Obama way ahead of John McCain in the polls?  Why is this race so tight?  Bob Cesca has an idea: Hmm. I can't imagine why that is. It's not like Senator Obama's patriotism and character is being assassinated for three hours every morning on cable news…

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Barack Obama’s economic Plan

What is Barack Obama's plan?  He's got it boiled down to two-minutes, in this spot which he is now running. Compare and contrast Obama's plan to McCain's repeated statement that the fundamentals of the American economy are strong: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWMVW_82dQ8&eurl=http://www.crooksandliars.com/[/youtube] I wonder if McCain is relying on the fake economic data…

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In exactly what ways should we keep our children ignorant about sex?

At DI, we have an extremely conservative fellow visiting the blog these days.  He's trying to convert all of us to his reactionary world view.  He clings to his Bible as a book of literal truths and he seems to love everything that Sarah Palin ostensibly stands for. I'd like…

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Dealing with the insanity of moose meat and Palin’s proud ignorance

At Salon.com, Anne Lamott writes eloquently about her inner struggle brought on by Sarah Palin's nomination, then issues a call to arms.  Here's an excerpt about her inner struggle: [I] called my Jesuit friend, who I know hates these people, too. I asked, "Don't you think God finds these smug…

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