Many detailed reasons to fear John McCain

The Rolling Stone has just published a highly detailed, article written by Tim Dickenson. This article is must-reading for anyone who really wants to understand John McCain by his words and actions over his disturbing life.  The more you know, the less you'll trust this fake maverick.  In fact, the…

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Bill Maher talks about Religulous with Jon Stewart

Bill Maher talks about his new movie, Religulous, with Jon Stewart starting at about 8:50 minute mark of this video. I haven't seen the movie yet, but Maher has apparently centered his movie around his asking of simple questions that are often not asked of Believers.   He refers to…

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Types of on-line personalities

Have you ever been annoyed by an on-line personality?    Perhaps this is a rhetorical question for you.  Regardless, Mike Reed of Flame Warriors has spent a lot of time studying the types of people who hang around and often annoy the rest of us.   These personality types include the following…

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