If you are a U.S. citizen you are sponsoring torture.

Andrew Sullivan published more evidence that the United States is torturing its prisoners.  Complete with evidence that we are causing the prisoners to go insane purportedly for the purpose of getting information from them. Writing a complaint letter to the President to complain sounds so incredibly naive and trite, though…

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Note to John McCain: We can’t trust you around America’s nuclear weapons.

Yes, John McCain. We know quite well who you are, and we don't want anyone with your ego and your temper to have the power to fire American nuclear weapons. While we're on the issue of violence, are you consciously trying to get one of your enraged followers to inflict…

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Remember, John McCain is the "maverick." [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwNvSW1Ge4M&eurl=http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/[/youtube] via Andrew Sullivan's newly redesigned Daily Dish.

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