Barack Obama’s conversation with “Joe the Plumber”

Joe the Plumber was mentioned repeatedly during tonight's debate.   Here is a video of Barack Obama's discussion with "Joe the Plumber": [youtube][/youtube] Epilogue:  And what a curious story "Joe" has turned out to be.  He's not really named "Joe," he's not a licensed plumber, he's in no position to make…

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Shameless McCain’s campaign utterly embraces Karl Rove

Rolling Stone's Matt Tabbi is back with another clinic on writing.   This time, his subject is Karl Rove and all things Rovian.   The title to the article is "The Return of Rove:  John McCain has Surrendered His Campaign to the Same Political Fearmonger Who Smeared Him Out of the Race…

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Lego teaches children how to play with guns

I love basic the concept of Lego. It’s a very clever set of blocks with which you can build almost anything. But going to a Lego store is also a peek into the kind of country America has become.  We are a country of warmongers.

I took each of these photos in the Lego Store on Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. For starters, I do want to recognize that Lego makes simple kits that you can use for building anything you want. For instance, here’s a basic starter pack that doesn’t include any guns:

basic lego set

If 280 pieces isn’t enough for you, you can graduate to this 700 piece set. Look at Dad, acting as though he is content building little houses. I know what Dad really wants. He wants his kids to get a little older so that they can build things with guns!

non violent lego set

Here’s a hot rod car. But what’s a mere car to a kid?

non violent car lego

We need to be inspired by people we see on TV. Hence, Spongebob Squarepants makes a joint appearance with Legos. Now . . . if we only had a gun . . .

spongebob lego

A GUN!!! Are you crazy? Why would you need a gun? Because that’s what so many Lego kits include. Guns of all shapes and sizes! Notice the guard in the tower. He has his own Lego gun. I suppose he has it so that he can shoot that guy trying to make an escape. I wonder why they don’t show …


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