Stoning, Python style

It's been awhile since we've discussed the rules for stoning found in the Bible. Rather than rehashing those rules, I decided to post this stoning demo by Monty Python (from "The Life of Brian"). [youtube][/youtube] BTW, if you enjoy Monty Python (I very much do), you should be aware that…

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More evidence that the right wing media is thoroughly corrupted

Consider this implied admission, that the National Review "spent the last eight years holding their tongue, taking it easy on Bush, averting their eyes from failures, and deliberately backing power over truth."   Compare this talk with the November 2006 admission by Rush Limbaugh, that "I no longer am going to…

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Court bans sale of spyware

What do you think?  Should this sort of software be offered for sale?  One federal court based in Florida said "no": When consumer victims clicked on the disguised file, the keylogger spyware silently installed in the background without the victims' knowledge. This spyware recorded every keystroke typed on the victim's…

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Obama button collage poster: Change we can believe in

A friend of mine named Dan Martin (of St. Louis) has taken the time to arrange images of various Obama buttons into an attractive collage.  It's attractive both artistically and in an Obamaesque-reknitting-of-the-social-fabric-sort-of-way.  Using a high quality white paper, Dan has been busy distributing 11' x 17" copies of his…

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