Who Has Been Running Ukraine Since 2013? The United States.

Glenn Greenwald details how we know that the United States has been running Ukraine since 2013. The story is a long one, but Greenwald lays out the evidence and it's not difficult to connect the dots. You can watch the entire show on Rumble. You can read the transcript here. And here's a long excerpt from that transcript:

But the entire idea that we weren't involved in Ukraine intimately and directly and aggressively since the change of government in 2013 is long been so preposterous that it's amazing that anyone could say it with a straight face, in part because let's remember the scandal of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and Burisma energy – not the part of the scandal that people like to talk about, the part of the scandal that even Biden administration supporters admit is genuine. Namely, you have this energy company, Burisma, that was facing serious legal problems with a prosecutor in Ukraine and another legal jeopardy as well and they did what American companies often do when they're facing legal jeopardy, which is they thought to themselves, let's try and get on our side, by paying them, someone with access to power so that we're protected. That's a common thing for a company to do. But no, the Burisma did not go looking for the son or a relative of a Ukrainian official, which is what you would do if Ukrainian officials were running Ukraine. They instead went and looked for the son of the United States Vice-President Joe Biden. Why would Burisma, an energy company facing legal problems in Ukraine, try and curry favor with Joe Biden to protect itself from prosecutorial pressure if Ukraine is a sovereign and democratic country in which the United States plays no role? Obviously, they did that because the real country running Ukraine for the last eight years, right on that side of the Soviet mob, the Russian border, has been the United States. And anyone who knows anything about that series of events knows that that's true. And that alone proves it, that Burisma's actions reflected their recognition of who the real power in Ukraine was. It wasn't Ukraine. It wasn't the elected leaders of Ukraine. It was the United States. [More . . . ]

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More Damage Threatened by “Anti-Racism”

Kofi Montzka, mother of high school boys, points out the damage that would be done by an ethnic studies curriculum that would be required by a proposed Minnesota law. "Not everything that sounds good is good." She also says, "This curriculum will not help kids of color succeed. All it does is remove any reason to try."

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NPR Ignores Gender Dimorphism When Commenting on Transgender Sports

NPR Tweet today: "The international governing body for track and field will ban trans women athletes from elite women's competitions, citing a priority for fairness over inclusion despite limited scientific evidence of physical advantage."

I'm "sure" that NPR reporters fact-checked the above claim with the NPR Science Department before publishing its Tweet  . . .

More seriously, what about the images below, which clearly demonstrate dimorphism between the two sexes?

And I also notice that NPR did not interview any of the many female athletes who have been deprived of awards, scholarships and competition slots because male-bodied competitors were allowed to compete. Nor do they mention, for instance, that the U.S. Woman's National soccer team sometimes gets ready for competition by playing games against high school boys. Nor do they mention that in 1998, the 203rd ranked male tennis player, Karsten Braasch, beat Serena Williams and Venus Williams in back-to-back matches.

My intent in writing this is to belittle NPR. I am a big fan of female sports and I want to preserve them as female sports featuring the finest female athletes.

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What It’s Like for an Accomplished Woman Swimmer to Compete Against a Biological Man

Swimmer Riley Gaines offers testimony about what it's like to forced to compete against someone with an unfair advantage.

In today's news . . .

World Athletics has banned transgender women from competing in elite female competitions and tightened testosterone restrictions for other athletes, the governing body said on Thursday.
Riley Gaines Reacts on Twitter:

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Medea Benjamin Drops a Truth Bomb During an Anthony Blinken Speech

Get this "crazy" woman out of here so that Anthony Blinken and his pals can figure out how to bring us even closer to the brink of nuclear war. Territorial disputes over the Donbas region so clearly affect ordinary Americans that we must roll the dice and risk EVERYTHING.

In this video, Medea Benjamin explains further:

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