Broken window theory of criminality has been demonstrated

The "Broken Window" theory of criminality is that when people observe disorder, they are more likely to engage in anti-social acts.  Translated into an experiment, the principle was tested by George Kelling and his associates.  They asked whether people would litter more where there is illegal graffiti and where others…

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Astrophysicist George Smoot explores how the universe congealed into structures.

In this TED video, astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel Prize winner George Smoot studies the cosmic microwave background radiation -- the afterglow of the Big Bang.  Smoot presents his lecture with the help of dramatic images created through the crunching of massive amounts of real-life data. The bottom line is that…

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FCC still obsessed with Janet Jackson’s nipple

As though the FCC doesn't have real work to do (media over-consolidation, net neutrality, diversity in broadcasting).   No, the FCC is still worked up about Janet Jackson's breast, which "flashed for nine-sixteenths of a second during her [2004 Superbowl] performance with Justin Timberlake." Egads!  I hope that the numerous young…

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There’s hope for those of us with messy desks

There's hope for those of us with messy desks.   This is a photo of Albert Einstein's messy desk taken in April, 1955. I enjoyed this anecdote regarding Einstein: EINSTEIN came to Princeton University in 1935 and was asked what he would require for his study. he replied: "A desk, some…

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