Steven Strogatz discusses how things in nature tend to sync up all by themselves.

Stephen Strogatz is a mathematician who has studied synchrony in nature. Synchrony is the "spontaneous tendency of separate entities to act as a unit." Strogatz finds synchrony "everywhere" in nature. He stresses that you don't need to be smart to synchronize, nor do you need to have a brain or…

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Bill Maher discusses Religulous with Mike Huckabee.

In this video, Bill Maher discusses Religulous with Mike Huckabee.  It's all quite civil, though both sides work hard to make their points. Watching this video makes me relived that at least some people on the national stage can discuss these serious issues without undue heat (that tone is what…

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How Santa Claus kept an evil butcher from turning children into sausage

The Santa Claus we "know" has been tamed down from the earlier versions.  Our Santa is not associated with anything unpleasant.  Not true of the earlier version of Santa, St. Nicholas   Consider this medieval story about St. Nicholas from a play by Henri Gheon called “The Sausage Maker’s Interlude.”  A…

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What’s it like to get a Nintendo Wii for Christmas?

***PLEASE don't show this video to my children.*** Nick Smith of had the inspiration to hunt through youtube to visit the living rooms of 50 gleeful/tearful/wild/choked-up children to see each of them ripping open a new Nintendo Wii. "Oh My Gosh!" Watching this video provoked a host of emotions,…

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