Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson Discuss Ukraine and Propaganda

What follows is an excerpt from a Nov 20, 2024 discussion between Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson. This is a critically important discussion regarding recent developments in the Ukraine War and related U.S. Propaganda:

Glenn Greenwald [00:18:53] Tucker, there's nobody I'm certain of this in the United States, just an average, ordinary American voter who believes that their life is affected in any way by the question of who rules various provinces in the Donbass in eastern Ukraine. Nobody thinks about Ukraine, let alone the Donbass, let alone eastern Ukraine. It's an incredibly complex situation there in terms of the people's allegiances, which are far closer to Moscow than they are to Kiev. The question of what that territory should be, should it be somehow autonomous, should it be used as a buffer against the West? The whole framework, as you well know, and as other people have pointed out, when Russia agreed to the reunification of Germany, which was obviously an extraordinary thing for the Russians to agree to, given the Russian history in the 20th century with respect to Germany, when they opened, the Berlin Wall fell and they allowed the eastern and the western parts of Germany to reunite and to become part of the West and become part of the EU. The only concession they extracted in exchange for that was with reunification. NATO's now moving eastward, closer to our border in a country that has devastated our country twice in two world wars, invaded Russia twice, killed tens of millions of Russian citizens. The only thing we need as a security guarantee in exchange for allowing that is that NATO will never expand one inch eastward beyond what was East Germany and the United States agreed to that. And immediately in the 90s, an administration, the administration started talking about it and implementing NATO's expansion eastward toward Russia. Exactly what was promised to Gorbachev the United States would not do in exchange for them agreeing to reunification. And why? Why? Why did we need to expand eastward toward Russia. And now it's not just eastward in general. It's going directly up to the Russian border on the part of their border that has been invaded twice in Ukraine to destroy Russia. And both of those world wars, we also participated in the change of government. We removed the democratically elected leader of Ukraine before his constitutional term was expired in 2014 because we perceived him as being too friendly to Moscow, which is what the Ukrainians voted for and replaced him. [U.S. State Department's] Victoria Nuland constructed a government and they was replaced by a government that was more pro-U.S.. Imagine if the Russians engineered a coup in Mexico to take out the government because they were too friendly to us and put in a hard line, pro Russian, anti-American, anti-NATO president. Imagine how threatening we would regard that as. And that's exactly what we did in Ukraine. The question is, though, this has nothing to do with the national security of the American people. No American is threatened by who governs Ukraine. What they're threatened by is what the United States is doing in Ukraine, including this most recent act.

... This is not a lame duck decision and it's not like there was any emergency to it. It wasn't there was no emergency to it. They just wanted to escalate it because they thought Trump wouldn't. And so they did.

Tucker [00:27:52] It puts us in this remarkable moment where the only adult is Vladimir Putin. This person, we've been told, is Hitler and deranged, crazy, dying of nine different kinds of cancer can't be trusted like the only reason we're not. I mean, we're all relying on his restraint. That's just a fact right now. How weird is that?

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While We Take a Break from Fighting Wars, We Fight Proxy Wars Cheered on By the News Media

Dave Smith:

I just I hate them so much and I really think they deserve it. And it's not just that they lie about everything. It's like they lie about everything and then they have the nerve to morally judge us. If you just watched even just the last few weeks of the Trump election, they're not in the business of reporting the news. They're totally just in the business of making you feel like you're a bad person if you don't fall in line with the regime.

America has this giant war machine, right? We're always at war. We're the most war-hungry country in the world. Even if we're taking a little bit of a break from a war, we'll fight two more proxy wars while we do that. America looks back at the 90s--Bill Clinton--as the time of peace and prosperity. We call it peace because we only fought a war in Serbia and had a blockade around Iraq, and we're bombing the crap out of Iraq, with a few other military interventions in there too. You know, the UN estimated that Bill Clinton's sanctions and bombing regime of Iraq--everyone just thinks of George H.W. Bush's war and W's war--but Bill Clinton was bombing Iraq and he had a full blockade around the country. The UN estimated that 500,000 children died of starvation or malnutrition due to the blockade. Now, I've heard people argue, by the way, that that number is exaggerated. Maybe it wasn't 500 that maybe it was only 100,000. So that's the time that we consider "peace" when we were just starving 100,000 children to death in Iraq. And everybody in the corporate media are in the business every single one of those wars. You've sold them. Everyone. My entire life. The media sold those wars and you're gonna morally look down on me. You're gonna judge me, motherfucker? You're in the business of baby murder. Get the fuck out of here. You're looking down, judging an American because maybe I'm going to vote for Donald Trump? Or maybe I dare to question the results of the last election? Fuck you!

Continue ReadingWhile We Take a Break from Fighting Wars, We Fight Proxy Wars Cheered on By the News Media

Biden Advocates for Impeaching Biden

Joe Biden in 2007: "I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee for 17 years, as a ranking member. I teach separation of powers and constitutes law. This is something I know. So I got together and brought a group of constitutional scholars together to write a piece that I'm going to deliver to the whole United States Senate, pointing out the President has no constitutional authority to take this nation to war against the country of 70 million people, unless we're attacked or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked. And if he does, if he does, I would move to impeach him. The house obviously has to do that, but I would lead an effort to impeach him. The reason for my doing--and I don't say it lightly. I don't say it lightly. I say it because they should understand that what they were threatening, what they were saying, what was adding up to be, what looked like to the rest of the world what we're about to do would be the most disastrous thing that could be done at this moment in our history that I can think of."

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RFK, Jr.: Bill Gates Profited Immensely from the Pfizer COVID Vax

From Camus on X:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on How Bill Gates Made 242 Million in Pfizer Stock Scheme:

"And the last one of these was in 2020 or 2019 in October. And it was hosted by Bill Gates, I. Fauci and by Avril Haines. I'm sure a lot of you have gone and looked at this on YouTube, it's called Event 201. That same week, Bill Gates, who was overseeing this simulation, made about 1.1 million shares of BioNTech vaccine, which later became the Pfizer vaccine."

"He then sold that, almost all that stock, 87%, two years later, at a $242 million profit. And a week after that, he publicly announced the vaccine didn't work. This is what you call a pump and dump scheme."

"Because he was the guy who was on TV with his minion, Peter Hotez, who took $52 million from Gates for his, Gates made his institution. So you had the pair of them pumping up this stock for two years and then dumping it a week before he goes on TV and says, oh, it didn't work after all."

That's not all. Kennedy:

"Gates practices philanthrocapitalism. "You use philanthropy to make yourself rich and you use it strategically. He's gotten control over the WHO so that they mandate vaccines all over the world and the companies that make those vaccines are where Gates & others are shareholders."

I would like to see Gates thoroughly investigated. It's not possible to get virtually EVERYTHING wrong about COVID wrong without large amounts of bad faith money pulling the levers.

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Exhibit A: Joe and Mika Exhibit their Lack of Journalistic Principles by Bending a Knee to Trump

This video has got to be seen to be believed. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski loved and promoted Donald Trump in 2015-2016. They had Trump on their show every week for friendly call-ins, something thoroughly disreputable because it is contrary to the need for reporters to be always antagonistic and distrusting of those in power. Now memory-holed, at that same time Scarborough actively sought to be Trump’s VP. After that didn’t pan out, things then took a dramatic U-Turn. For many years, until two weeks ago, the two pundits pummeled Trump as a fascist, a white supremacist and much worse. It was non-stop hyperbolic ranting that played to an ever-dwindling audience. Until now. Glenn Greenwald explains what has been going on, playing numerous Morning Joe video clips to substantiate his claims. Watch and enjoy this exquisite story of unvarnished media whoring.

Continue ReadingExhibit A: Joe and Mika Exhibit their Lack of Journalistic Principles by Bending a Knee to Trump