Our bad food is as addictive as cocaine

Slate reports:

A new study published in Nature Neuroscience suggests that high-calorie, high-fat foods may be just as addictive as cocaine and heroin. "When rats consume these foods in great enough quantities, it leads to compulsive eating habits that resemble drug addiction, the study found," Health.com reported.

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Fluid space

Here you'll see and hear a beautiful Hawaiian evening sky to go with beautiful music. Such a spectacular way end a long day! Strongly consider watching this short video in HD: The vivid fluidity of the star-filled sky in this video is something I'd never before viewed. There is an ocean of stars up there, including the vast edge of the Milky Way galaxy itself. Watching the "movement" of those stars allowed me to feel, like never before, that our own orb is moving through space. I've long known, intellectually, that the Earth is spinning and rotating through space, but this time-lapse video really brings that point home. We are moving too, in a dramatic way, every second of every day. We aren't the stable platform from which one can objectively view the rest of existence. This video seemingly pushed me to an Archimedean point. Bravo!

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And it’s causing senseless violence and wasting of tax dollars up here too

Mexico is the biggest supplier of marijuana to the United States, and the illegal drug trade is tearing Mexico apart.

Mexico has been wracked by murders connected to the drug trade. Last year, it suffered more than 6,500 drug-related killings, triple the number in 2007. And 2010 looks worse. As of mid-March, more than 2,000 people have died in drug-related homicides – which puts Mexico on pace for more than 10,000 such deaths this year. That's more than one every hour.
The linked article (from the Chicago Tribune) argues that California's upcoming ballot initiative legalizing marijuana would be the worst nightmare of the Mexican drug cartels. For the terrible numbers from Mexico at a glance, see here.

Continue ReadingAnd it’s causing senseless violence and wasting of tax dollars up here too