Mobile intestines

Several new species of deep sea creatures have been discovered. It's incredible that any form of life can survive at such depths. I couldn't help but think of the phrase "mobile intestinal tracts" when viewing some of these. I'm sure that's oversimplifying, but based on these images, some of these creatures don't seem to have much more going on than a stomach that moves. Which is how I think of some human beings . . .

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Climategate scientists vindicated

Another inquiry has determined that the "Climategate" scientists' "rigor and honesty as scientists are not in doubt." Not that this will slow down attacks on inconvenient science. Perhaps the biggest lesson illustrated is that when you show know-nothings that they are wrong, it has no effect on their opinions. For an equally good example, read about the "Lenski Affair," where the scientists had conducted 20 years of rigorous experiments that clearly demonstrated evolution of E. coli in the lab. Evidence just isn't good enough for zealots.

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Huffpo gives platform to Discovery Institute

I follow the Huffington Post carefully on political issues. It's credibility is far lower on health issues and, as Alex Pareene points out at, Huffpo has completely dropped the ball in allowing a high ranking member of the Discovery Institute to publish a post blaming Charles Darwin "for eugenics and the Nazis." Shame on Huffington Post for allowing such anti-factual drivel.

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Fail the media. Find it. Post it. Fail it.

Media Fail has an impressive collection of media failures. The media itself doesn't tend to report on the failures of media. That's why this site is important. I'd recommend a bookmark so you can see what news consumers think of the "news." The site is sponsored by Free Press:

Free Press is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to reform the media. Through education, organizing and advocacy, we promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, quality journalism, and universal access to communications.

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