I hadn’t thought of this . . .

Life Hacks offers many ideas, some of them useful. Here's one I had not previously considered, but it only applies to those of you who are on the clock (it doesn't work for salaried folks). Don't poop at home. Wait until you are at work:

Get Paid to Poop. You'll be using less of your own time and more of your company's time. If you poop for an average of 10 min per day, your company will have paid you for more than 40 hours of pooping by the end of the year. That's half as long as most paid vacations.
Though I hadn't considered the the advantage of pooping at work prior to reading this, I had considered the aggregate cost of shaving before. Even if it only takes 3 minutes per day to shave, that amounts to 1,095 minutes = more than 18 hours per year. I will plainly admit that that is one of the reasons that I chose to be bearded. Or consider that you might want to aggressively label unwanted email as junk. What if you spend even 1 minute per day deleting unwanted emails? That's six hours per year deleting individual emails. One more example. What if you ride a bike to work each day instead of driving a car (this is easy to do if you live within 5 miles of your work place--I've done it every day this week). This means there is no need to work out after work, because I've already exercised by getting to and from work. Further, it only takes 10 minutes longer to ride a bike 5 miles in the city than to drive it (it takes about 22 minutes to ride and 12 minutes to drive). Assuming that you would have worked out about 45 minutes if you didn't commute by bike, you are saving at least 25 minutes per day exercising, which is 152 hours per year, which is the equivalent of more than 3 workweeks of vacation.

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9/11 as an excuse

At a site called Global Researcher I spotted an article titled, "Did 9/11 Really 'Change Everything'? Or Was It Simply an Excuse to Implement Existing War Plans?" Lots of well-chosen links substantiate that the Bush Administration was itching to invade Iraq long before 9/11. I offer this trackback as a potential comeback to use when someone says, "9/11 changed everything."

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How broken is our system of electing members of Congress?

How broken is our system of electing members of Congress? It's abominable, according to Senator Ted Kaufman, who is not seeking election and who is willing to speak candidly on major issues. It's no coincidence that he is not running and that he is willing to speak candidly, according to Kaufman.

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Americans are ignorant of basic religious teachings

Lots of people are talking about the new Pew Religious Knowledge Survey, which dramatically demonstrates that Americans are incredibly ignorant about the basic teachings of religions, including the basic teachings of their own religions. These Pew findings don't surprise me at all. I was raised Catholic and I have knows…

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