More on war and peace
From the website of Dennis Kucinich:
Unbelievable. First they want to redistrict me to get me out of Congress. Now the GOP led Congress voted last week to eliminate all funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) - one of the few programs in the budget dedicated to conflict prevention and non-violence - while they added another $158 billion in the same budget for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The two wars will consume $42.7 million - the entire budget for the USIP - in 142 minutes. It's a one-two punch to our efforts to promote peaceful conflict resolution over war.And now a few facts from Harper's Index (March 2011):
Estimated percentage change since 2000 in the U.S. defense budget, not including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: +80% Number of American civilians who died worldwide in terrorist attacks last year: 8 Minimum number who died after being struck by lightning: 29 Estimated spending by Afghans on bribes last year: $2,500,000,000 Portion of the country's GDP to which this figure is equivalent: 1/4