Get Out of Hell, Free!

Tired of all the fundamentalists consigning kind and reasonable people to hell on their own authority? You can now respond with these handy "Get Out Of Hell Free" cards. If they can designate people as hell-bound, then you are just as empowered to hand these out and save people. They…

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PayPal is Broken and Nobody’s Talking

Last night the online acceptance service PayPal went offline for 8 hours starting at about 8 p.m. CDT. All you could get from clicking on any PayPal link or button on any of millions of web sites was a message that this unexpected prime-time outage was "routine maintenance". This morning,…

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Sex in the Garden

I was at the Japanese Festival at the Missouri Botanical Garden on Labor Day. What did I see there, besides plenty of Japanesery? (Or is it Nipponica?) Sex. Well, okay. Tropical plants flagrantly (fragrantly?) spreading their petals and waiting brightly for consummation may not be so scandalous. But look to…

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How Big is the Religion Industry?

I found this post How Large is the Religion Industry in America?. In brief, the unreported, unaccounted billions of dollars paid to churches and faith-based programs certainly amount to a noticeable slice of the GNP pie. But because of the special status given to religion in this country, no one…

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Deep Water Effects on Radioactivity

We've had a long comment aside in the Iridium Layer post about whether a Young Earth might be proven if one assumes that all isotopes "age" faster under water at some depth. Let's consider some of the repercussions if this were Truth instead of fantasy: Nuclear waste would not be…

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