Insurance Actuaries and Canadian Doctors: Why Are So Many Young People Dying?

Insurance actuaries are sounding the alarm. What is going on?

Life insurance actuaries are reporting that many more people are dying – still – than in the years before the pandemic. And while deaths during COVID-19 had largely occurred among the old and infirm, this new wave is hitting prime-of-life people hard.

No one knows precisely what is driving the phenomenon, but there is an inexplicable lack of urgency to find out. A concerted investigation is in order.

Deaths among young Americans documented in employee life insurance claims should alone set off alarms. Among working people 35 to 44 years old, a stunning 34% more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above-average rates in other working-age groups, too.

“COVID-19 claims do not fully explain the increase,” a Society of Actuaries report says.

[Added August 13, 2023]

Dr. William Makis, MD is concerned that the COVID vaccine is causing numerous excess deaths of relatively young Canadian physicians.

Canadian physician excess mortality is 54% in 2022 compared to 2019, which is heavily skewed towards younger doctors, with doctors under age 30 dying at +1100% increased rate in 2022 vs 2019.

I first noticed that Dr. Makis was investigating this while reading this Twitter post by Dr. Peter McCullough:

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Makis was interviewed by Dr. Drew about his findings and the reluctance of medical authorities to take these deaths seriously:

On the above video interview, Makis indicates that many of these unusual sudden deaths of healthy-seeming doctors occurred in the early morning hours of their sleep (when we are prone to cardiac events) and when exercising (including elite athlete doctors).

I transcribed part of the above conversation:

Dr. Kelly Victory
What I’m interested in is what kind of push back you said that there was a push back on not doing autopsies did what did the scientific community, your own physician colleagues, say about what you were pointing out? What was their response?

Dr. William Makis
To be honest with you, Dr. Kelly, from the Canadian physicians, there’s been complete silence. You know, they’ll push back on me when they attacked me on Twitter, for example, online. And they’ll say this is disinformation. And you know, “you’re making this up.” And I faced these attacks from the Canadian Medical Association. They said there’s no evidence of this, and they don’t even want to look at the data. I have a huge database of physician that spanning four years that I can hand over the Canadian Medical Association. I’ve offered this data to them. Half of the data was from their own website before they deleted it. So the Canadian Medical Association actually had an In Memoriam page where they kept track of physician deaths for many, many years. And they’ve recently deleted all of that information. So half of the data was from their own website, and they refused to look at it. The other half of the data was from other medical associations, like the Royal College of Physicians or the provincial colleges, who report that. So from the medical establishment there’s been complete denial. They don’t want to look at any data about physician sudden deaths from the physicians themselves. I’ll get the occasional email saying, “I am concerned” but for the most part, again, physicians are simply ignoring this. But I am getting acknowledgment from from nurses from pharmacists, paramedics, other frontline health care workers who are telling me “Yes, this is happening.” And you’re absolutely right in bringing this forward.

Dr. Kelly Victory
That is so interesting, because that is exactly what we are seeing in the United States. And my theory is this. It wasn’t the nurses, the paramedics, or the pharmacists who ordered the vaccines for their patients. It was doctors. And I think their level of cognitive dissonance, the idea that they do not want to acknowledge, “Oh, my God, not only did I take this, but I was out there foisting this, promoting this and suggesting this to my patients.” So I think they are terrified to even consider what you are saying and what you are pointing out.

Dr. William Makis
I was just going to say that not just on their patients, you know, which is a terrifying thought. Imagine you’ve recommended this to all of your patients. But they’ve really recommended it to their children, to their families, or, you know, to their extended families, to their friends. And so I often come across a situation where when I am contacted by family members of physicians who died suddenly. They will tell me, you know, they truly believed in the vaccine and they recommended it to all of their family members, and they’ve gave it to their kids. And I think that’s where, you know, the real tragedy may lie.

Dr. Kelly Victory
On this issue about autopsy is again, in the United States, we are not doing any appreciable autopsies either. But an autopsy by itself isn’t enough. As you know, we’ve got to do the appropriate tissue sampling and staining. Dr. Ryan Cole, who’s a friend and colleague, and certainly a good friend of this program, has pointed out that we have the stains available, but you have to do them and they aren’t being done routinely, those stains that would actually have shown in these cases of these sudden deaths, that the physicians have globs of spiked protein in their myocardium. There’s evidence of myocarditis, and it’s that inflammation of the heart that puts them at risk for a dysrhythmia a fatal dysrhythmia to occur either when they’re exercising, or in those early morning sleep hours.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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