How Did the CDC Fail on COVID Information and Messaging? Krystal and Saagar Count some of the Ways . . .

How did the CDC fail the American people?  The CDC failed in many ways. Krystal and Saagar of Breaking Points review some of the main ways the CDC failed us and it is downright embarrassing. They applaud the CDC’s willingness to finally decide to evaluate its many failures, but these failures are numerous and embarrassing.

To the extent that Americans (like me) have substantially lost trust in the CDC (no and in the future), the CDC has caused this damage. As Krystal Ball mentions, it was not the CDC’s job to psychoanalyze Americans and try to manage our emotions. We wanted and needed straight facts, and that is where the CDC failed abysmally. They should have assumed that, by and large, Americans “can handle the unvarnished facts.” Some of the main failures of the CDC:

A) Does the infection spread by surface contamination (no) or only airborne viral particles (yes). Not until May 2021 did the CDC acknowledge the basic fact that the virus was spread by airborne transmission. This was mid-vaccination.

B) whether Americans should buy or use masks. In Feb 2020, Surgeon General told the public to stop buying masks because they were allegedly not effective for the general public.  Even though health care workers needed masks.  This was absurd, oxymoronic and insane messaging that caused Americans to lose trust in the CDC.  The CDC later failed to acknowledge that some kinds of masks are essentially useless.

C) Testing.  The U.S. government refused to allow Americans to use effective and available testing because there bureaucracy of the CDC did not approve them.  We didn’t have tests available until more than a year after tests were available in South Korea and other countries.  Americans were forced to “fly blind,” according to Krystal.

There are many many other examples. For instance, whether lockdowns are effective.  Whether vaccination protects people from future infection and/or protects people from spreading the infection. Further, there CDC covered up the colossal risk factor of obesity. Excellent discussion.

At Reason, Ronald Bailey heaps yet more criticism upon the CDC and argues that its recently announced moment of introspection is wholly inadequate. Here’s an excerpt:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did neither control nor prevention when confronted with the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak over the past two-and-a-half years. The agency’s many shortcomings began with its spectacularly botched rollout of tests for monitoring the spread of the coronavirus in early 2020. This was followed by the agency’s failure for many months to recognize that the disease was chiefly spread via respiratory droplets. And let’s not forget the agency’s comprehensive ineptitude concerning the swift evaluation of the effectiveness of its proposed mitigation strategies such as masking, social distancing, and quarantining. In addition, the agency was dilatory in releasing relevant data concerning boosters, hospitalization trends, and wastewater detection of the virus.

[Added August 22, 2022]

From Marty Makary, M.D., M.P.H and Tracy Beth Hoeg M.D., Ph.D, writing at Common Sense:

[T]he heads of their agencies are using weak or flawed data to make critically important public health decisions. That such decisions are being driven by what’s politically palatable to people in Washington or to the Biden administration. And that they have a myopic focus on one virus instead of overall health.

Nowhere has this problem been clearer—or the stakes higher—than on official public health policy regarding children and Covid.

First, they demanded that young children be masked in schools. On this score, the agencies were wrong. Compelling studies later found schools that masked children had no different rates of transmission. And for social and linguistic development, children need to see the faces of others.

Next came school closures. The agencies were wrong—and catastrophically so. Poor and minority children suffered learning loss with an 11-point drop in math scores alone and a 20% drop in math pass rates. There are dozens of statistics of this kind.

Then they ignored natural immunity. Wrong again. The vast majority of children have already had Covid, but this has made no difference in the blanket mandates for childhood vaccines. And now, by mandating vaccines and boosters for young healthy people, with no strong supporting data, these agencies are only further eroding public trust.

One CDC scientist told us about her shame and frustration about what happened to American children during the pandemic: “CDC failed to balance the risks of Covid with other risks that come from closing schools,” she said. “Learning loss, mental health exacerbations were obvious early on and those worsened as the guidance insisted on keeping schools virtual. CDC guidance worsened racial equity for generations to come. It failed this generation of children.”

An official at the FDA put it this way: “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don’t like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”

Right now, internal critics of these agencies are focused on one issue above all: Why did the FDA and the CDC issue strong blanket recommendations for Covid vaccines in children?

Three weeks ago, the CDC vigorously recommended mRNA Covid vaccines for 20 million children under five years of age. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, declared that the mRNA Covid vaccines should be given to everyone six months or older because they are safe and effective.

The trouble is that this sweeping recommendation was based on extremely weak, inconclusive data provided by Pfizer and Moderna.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    More COVID misinformation by official sources. The article is “CDC Admits Post-Vaccine Myocarditis Concerns That Were Labeled Covid Misinformation Are Legit.” Follow the links in the original article:

    But as The Federalist reported, the ruling regime was the real purveyor of misinformation. In January 2022, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted on CNN that the vaccines can’t “prevent transmission.”

    Many pandemic concerns that were once labeled misinformation have since proved to be true, such as learning loss due to school closures, the effectiveness of natural immunity, the ineffectiveness of cloth face coverings, and the social and economic harms of mass lockdowns, just to name a few. The ruling class being wrong about myocarditis risk is just the latest in its long list of misinforming the public about what’s misinformation — to the detriment of free speech, institutional trust, and public health.

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