The Most Dangerous Form of Media Bias

Saagar Enjeti, on Breaking Points:

The ironclad rule of media bias here on Breaking Points bears repeating: The most pernicious form of media bias is not what they’ve choosen to show you, but what they choose not to show you. Selective presentation of facts, cherry-picked headlines and curated bias is the name of the game for narratives on cable news. And in the Western press, it’s designed specifically to fulfill an ideological or policy agenda. In a time of war, it is perhaps the most dangerous in this serious and crazy environment that we’re living in today. We’ve seen a collective psychosis take over the media and the global elite as they push for a no fly zone, aka World War Three with Russia.

Here are numerous examples of the media hard at work not telling us important information. Here is Russell Brand’s concern that the news media is part of a much larger team that does not have your interests at heart:

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[Added November 14, 2022]

Monitoring Bias has been tweeting many examples where media cover does not match the facts. Many of these tweets are based on statistics that are not being acknowledged by most news outlets. Here’s today’s example:

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Wilfred Reilly is also offering a steady diet of statistics that conflict with the preferred narrative of most news outlets. Here’s a recent example of his tweets:

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Here’s an excerpt from Reilly’s article (from the above Tweet), article title being “The Good News They Won’t Tell You About Race in America.”

The world is imperfect, human beings are imperfect, and racial prejudice is still a feature of American life in 2021. These are hard truths. But so are these: Our country legally banned de jure segregation in 1954, made virtually all discrimination formally illegal in 1964, and has practiced pro-minority affirmative action since 1967. Simply put, these efforts to address the results of racial animus have worked, to a degree that is, for complex reasons, rarely discussed. But facts are facts. In 2021 America, it is not, objectively speaking, extraordinarily hard for a person of any skin tone to “make it.”

Seven of the wealthiest eight ethnic groups in the U.S. today are populations of color, even as affirmative action broadly defined serves as a counterbalance to much of the residual bigotry within society (though it is the cause of other kinds of social conflicts). In the real world, simply adjusting mathematically for mundane characteristics such as median age and study time closes almost all of the large racial—and gender—performance gaps glibly attributed to bigotry or genetics. Even where there’s some remaining effect of prejudice relating to a belief that racial minorities perform less well than whites, it is very often smaller than the impact of class, sex, region, or a half-dozen other characteristics. In the real world, the biggest threat to racial comity today may well be not actual bigotry or conflict but rather the false promotion of narratives about racial conflict that verge on conspiracy theory.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    I’m not convinced that keeping Putin out of Ukraine will much affect anything. Putin is has a Crusader, first step is reunite the Russian Church (which he believes is the same as the Ukrainian Church), and then bring Estonia and Poland back into the fold from their adoption of Catholocism. He has been quite plain about his objectives.

    There is nothing more difficult than converting an evangelist.

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