“Old Fart Ravings” suggests a new label for those who are “pro-life”:
Did you ever notice that so-called “pro lifers” have a problem with the more accurate term for their position: forced birth? It really couldn’t be more simple. If you think the government should compel all women to carry to term every pregnancy under all circumstances, you are are in favor of, by definition, “forced birth”.
I've noticed that many of the self-described "pro-life" people tend to favor executions, war and other forms of retro-active birth control. Most will argue that killing an adult is different from aborting a pregnancy, because the "unborn child" is innocents while the adult is probably evil and deserves to die.
So.. What qualifies as deserving of death?
From current events it would seem that any of these characteristics will do:
Having "Hussein" as your middle name
Being born into a non-Judeo-Christian religion.
Looking like an Arab
Having parents from any of several countries that are the enemies of the dictatorships supported by our government.
Sounding like an Arab
Being French or French Canadian
Disagreeing with the leaders of God's party in "Uh-murka," the Republican party.