Bullying Wokesters at UIC John Marshall Law School Pretend that they Don’t Understand the Difference Between Using an Offensive Word and Merely Mentioning it.

Woke bullies have reached ever new levels of intolerance and decency.  John McWhorter explains in this tweet:

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You need to read the above tweet carefully. Professor Kilborn was unfairly attacked by the 250 students who signed a petition requiring many dramatic actions, including a demand that “Professor Kilborn should immediately step down as the chair of the academic affairs committee and from all other committee appointments he holds.” What was Professor Kilborn’s crime? As part of a law school exam, he used only the sanitized version of the offensive word, exactly this: “N*****”. This is the reason he was attacked by a mob of hypersensitive students.  The following comment to McWhorter’s tweet was thus spot on:

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After Professor Kilborn was unfairly attacked by the students, he was left twisting in the wind by the University of Illinois – Chicago (UIC) administration, which issued the following statement:

The Law School recognizes the impact of this issue. Before winter break, Dean Dickerson apologized to the students who expressed hurt and distress over the examination question. The Law School acknowledges that the racial and gender references on the examination were deeply offensive. Faculty should avoid language that could cause hurt and distress to students. Those with tenure and academic freedom should always remember their position of power in our system of legal education.

This pathetic defense of its own professor and other details regarding this incident can be found at Above the Law.  Here’s an excerpt:

The petition is a call to action for “Insensitive and Racist Content” on the exam, and when I initially read the petition, my impression was that the professor had used the full slur on the exam. (And I bet a lot of other people that read — and potentially signed — the petition thought that too.) But that petition does not “summarize[]” the exam as it purports to do — it provides a direct quote. By that I mean the exam did not use the full n-word (or the b-word for that matter), opting instead for the euphemism. Which is… the exact sort of adaptation and awareness of potentially traumatic racial issues that folks have historically asked for when professors claim the right to drop the full n-word just because it’s an academic setting.

Will any lessons be learned from this incident?  We shall see . . .


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Avatar of diogenesagain

    Nice to now know the ‘use-mention distinction’……….I doubt very much woke minded folks will care a whit for this distinction……..as they. steamroll forward to ‘socia’l ‘justice’

  2. Avatar of Bill Heath
    Bill Heath

    Nearly the entire Woke movement is based on pretending in order to signal virtue. For the rest of them, I defer to my favorite philosopher, Larry the Cable Guy:

    “You can’t fix stupid.”

  3. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    More news on the Use Mention Distinction. This time Planned Parenthood is the offender. Jesse Singal reports:

    You want an inspiring tale of social justice? Have I got one for you!

    It’s from earlier this month. According to the Seattle Times, “Chris Charbonneau, a formidable figure in reproductive rights who worked for Planned Parenthood for nearly 40 years and expanded the Seattle-based affiliate across six states, including two in the Midwest, has been removed from her position as the organization’s CEO.”

    Why? The Times reports that the organization “made the move last week after a donor this fall used a racist term in a meeting referring to Black people, and Charbonneau repeated the word while discussing the meeting with another staffer.”


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