Joe Rogan Discusses Unwarranted Transgendering of Young Girls with Author Abigail Shrier

Abigail Shrier is an author, journalist, and writer for the Wall Street Journal. Her new book is “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.” At the outset, Shrier makes it clear that she has no issue with adults making decisions to transgender. Despite a higher level of suicide by transgendered adults (compared to the population at large), many transgendered adults are in a better place after transgendering. This is a very different situation from teenaged girls, where the decision to transgender is often driven unwittingly by intense social pressures by friends (groups of teenage girls often transgender together), loneliness and a misreading of the causes of one’s anxiety or teenage unhappiness.

Here is the discussion (now on Spotify):

In the discussion with Joe Rogan, Shrier is concerned that most transgendering decisions of teenaged girls is a mistake with horrific consequences. The problem is that most of these teenaged girls are not mis-gendered. They are often confusing other issues, such as generalized anxiety (exacerbated by social media) and high-functioning autism, for misgendering. All the while, they (most of them come from left leaning households) receive high praise and attention from their peers and families, who are viewing these decisions, even by young girls, as a “civil rights” issue. To make things worse, testosterone is being handed out like candy (including by Planned Parenthood) based often upon self-diagnoses. Some surgeons will readily perform transgender surgery on girls without even requiring a psychological consult.

What are the numbers?


Gender dysphoria used to afflict 0.01 percent of the population, so one in ten thousand people so probably no one you went to high school with, but today we already know that two percent of high school students are identifying as transgender and two percent of high school students, you’re talking about 1.1 million teenage high school kids in America.

Joe: Two percent? . . . Most of them are girls

Joe: Most of them are girls.

Shrier: We can just look at the number of gender surgeries and we see that in 2060 between 2016 and 2017 the number of gender surgeries for biological females quadrupled, so we know they are the biggest and fastest growing population

Joe: Wow – that’s a stunning number, two percent.

Shrier: You go from 0.1% of the whole population to two percent of high schoolers and the vast majority of them are teenage girls. I can give you a bunch of other statistics. One of the reasons it’s hard to know exactly how many, aside from the fact that we don’t have a centralized control of this, is because you don’t need an actual diagnosis of gender dysphoria to get testosterone, so you just go in and get it you don’t need the diagnosis. In England, where you have a centralized medical care, and there you do need a diagnosis, they know that the numbers for adolescent girls are up over 4,000 percent.

Joe: Holy shit. So you knew all this stuff before you wrote the book?

Shrier: No, it came out in the course of writing it.

Joe: So that had to kind of affirm your idea that this was a real problem.

Shrier: I mean everywhere I looked it seemed to be a real problem.

Joe Rogan asked how it was that Shrier was convinced that these transgender transitions of young women are not legitimate. Shrier responded:

Let me tell you three
reasons. I don’t think that’s compelling
number one when when Lisa Lippmann
looked at the prevalence rate, she found
that it’s 70 times what we would expect
within a friend group, which means it’s
highly concentrated in groups of friends,
But there’s two other reasons so we
wouldn’t expect that if it were randomly
distributed among the population, but
there are two other reasons. I don’t
think that’s the right number one if we’re
just rewinding to normal, now that
there’s greater society societal
acceptance. We’re just saying we’re
just reverting to a normal
base rate of transgender women, where
are all the women in their 40s and 60s
coming out as trans? They should be
coming out now. It is their time now. It is
their moment. We should seeing tons of women
in their 40s and 60s and so on coming
out as transgender. We’re not seeing that.
We’re seeing the same population that
gets involved in cutting. Demonic
possession, witchcraft, anorexia, bulimia
convinces themselves there’s a problem.
And there’s one one last reason, is that suicide
rates are going up. But if these women
who were living under a prior you know
supposedly these all these transgender
these real transgender people who are
living under a more repressive regime
and are now just finding themselves,
you would think the suicide rate would
be going down with greater acceptance, so
when you’re saying suicide rates are
going up. You mean suicide rates with
teens who turn trans, that’s the
rate of trans to aside among this
population fall among girls in general–
is extraordinarily high. This is just one
part of the mental health crisis they’re
in and, second, of all we know that the
rate that these these kids that these
trans identified kids have very high
rates of suicide suicidal ideation. It’s
it’s really an area of real
concern but there’s definitely an area
of real concern, as well with social media.


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

  2. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    Stacy Dianne Kennedy Reported this on FB:

    The original study was widely reported. The correction has not been.

    “In October 2019 The American Journal of Psychiatry published a study by Dr Richard Bränström and Dr John E Pachankis which examined the effects of sex reassignment surgery on the mental health of trans people.
    “The results of this study seemed to show that surgery improves the mental health of those with body dysphoria. Tweeting on 4th October the Journal stated it ‘lends support to the decision to provide gender-affirming surgeries to those who seek them.’
    “However, last week, the Journal issued a correction. It said that, contrary to previous claims, sex-reassignment surgery provides no benefit to mental health.
    ” ‘Some letters containing questions on the statistical methodology employed in the study led the Journal to seek statistical consultations. The results of these consultations were presented to the study authors, who concurred with many of the points raised. Upon request, the authors reanalyzed the data to compare outcomes between individuals diagnosed with gender incongruence who had received gender-affirming surgical treatments and those diagnosed with gender incongruence who had not… The results demonstrated no advantage of surgery in relation to subsequent mood or anxiety disorder-related health care visits or prescriptions or hospitalizations following suicide attempts in that comparison.’ [AJP]”

  3. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    “Dr. Quentin L. Van Meter shares his expertise as he reviews the medicine and science of the transgender ideology. He convincingly shows that there is no justification for medical interventions to treat gender dysphoric children.”

    puberty is not a
    disease state it’s a very important
    physiologic change
    and when you block puberty in the
    adolescent years
    you basically are essentially shutting
    the maturation of the testicle or the
    ovary at a time where it’s very
    important for that organ
    to begin to develop okay and when you
    shut it down
    and for three or five or five years and
    you then throw in
    cross-sex hormones you essentially fry
    the gonad you make the testicle
    essentially useless it will never
    regain its fertility the ovary the same
    and so we are sterilizing
    children by putting them on these
    puberty blockers they say oh it’s
    reversible we’ll do it for a year or so
    nobody does it for a year or so when you
    get on puberty blockers you stay on them
    your cross-sex hormones are given and
    are working
    and causing changes and by that time you
    have essentially
    damaged the human body irreparably

    This interview pulls no punches:

    so the suicide is a myth it’s a total
    myth it’s misquoted it’s often quoted
    it’s used as a hammer
    to guilt parents into doing this and
    it’s it’s it’s criminal that someone
    gets away with that
    um so the two big lies are born
    in the wrong body and commit suicide if
    you don’t get what you want
    then the realities the real realities on
    the other side are
    you’ve probably taken somebody who might
    have been on the pathway
    developing same-sex attraction and you
    sidebar them out whether
    they might have been an adult who was
    gay or lesbian and had a
    happy life or a reasonably happy life
    without medical conditions induced by
    medicines and without mutilating their
    you can’t make a breast out of nothing
    you can give males estrogen and the
    breast tissue will grow
    but in females who have their breasts
    removed there’s no returning
    getting the tissue back once it’s
    amputated off the body
    when the penis is gone it’s gone you can
    you can take
    some vascular tissue and you can wrap it
    in skin and
    plastic surgeons are spending hours and
    hours training to make artificial
    penises to sew on the front of the
    of the area and the perineum for females
    to have something to hang between their
    creating scrota that they put artificial
    testicles in so that it hangs down
    and and calling that a functional sexual
    there’s nothing functional about it at
    all it never will function the way the
    normal anatomy will
    the vaginas that they create and create
    boring holes in the perineum
    and lining it with skin of the penis or
    wherever if there’s not
    not enough to do that for other skin or
    mucous membranes it has
    no ability to secrete the secretions it
    has no sensitivity sensation
    orgasms are not what you what you get
    there’s no normal sexual function
    the kids that come in early are dreaming
    that they’re going to turn their bodies
    into the opposite sex

  4. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    “Since January, children in Washington state ages 13 and up can obtain confidential treatment for mental health conditions and gender dysphoria using their parent’s insurance plan—without their parents’ consent.
    Now, the state is considering a bill to set up health clinics on middle and high school campuses. Parents fear these clinics will talk children into dangerous and irreversible medical treatments such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to make their bodies look more like the opposite sex.”

  5. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    Abigail Shrier was recently interviewed by Ben Shapiro.

  6. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    Like Diana Fleischman, I hadn’t appreciated this until Abigail Shrier mentioned it during her discussion with Ben Shapiro. A woman’s “high” from taking exogenous testosterone as part of her attempted transition to being a trans man could easily be confused for the feeling that one was was born in the wrong body and is now in the correct body.

  7. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    From Abigail Shrier’s Substack Website, an article titled “Inside Planned Parenthood’s Gender Factory: An Ex-Reproductive Health Assistant Speaks Out.”

    Most interesting to me was the fact that, according to the employee, the girls would often arrive to the clinic with a group of friends. (For what other medical treatments do girls arrive with peer group in tow?) It smacked more of the gleeful trips teen girls once took to the mall for ear piercings than the sober medical treatment of a genuine mental health disorder.

    What was the mood in the waiting room among these friends? “Super cheerful, giggly. It’s a fun thing,” she said, a touch of cynicism whetting her tone.

    I asked her if she and the other nurses and reproductive health assistants didn’t think there was something suspicious about girls’ showing up in groups of friends for treatment—whether it didn’t cross the employees’ minds that peer influence might be at play. “It’s kind of one of those things where you just roll your eyes.” She told me. “The extent of our intervention” was to grant “their requests to start the hormone therapy.”

  8. Avatar of Erich Vieth
    Erich Vieth

    Librarians face censors who claim they are not censors:

    Like McKay, Sam, who is about to start an internship at Dal’s Killam Library, said they are not interested in trying to censor [Abigail Shrier’s] book more broadly. They just don’t want it in the public library’s collection, and they don’t think the free speech argument is strong enough.

    “I understand the concerns about free speech,” Sam said. “But libraries can’t take a neutral stance, because taking a neutral stance means you are siding with the oppressors. If the library is safe for transphobia, it’s not safe for trans people. Full stop. And I don’t believe it violates the mandate of free speech for libraries to pick and choose” the books they add to their collections.

  9. Avatar of erichvieth

    Dr. Erica Anderson (January, 2022), writing at the San Francisco Examiner:

    In my over 40 years as a psychologist, I’ve seen psychotherapeutic phenomena come and go. Eating disorders, multiple personality disorders and repressed memory syndrome have in retrospect spread through subgroups of adolescents and the professionals who have treated them. This spread is like wildfire through vulnerable underbrush, clearly borne in an environment of contagion.

    Why is this phenomenon distinctly different from previous ones? How is it possible that gender identity formation constitutes the only area of development in adolescence that is immune from peer influence? Having gone to extraordinary lengths to make San Francisco the best city in the world for trans acceptance and affirmation, let’s not be derailed by zealous disregard for what we see happening in our own back, front and virtual yard.

    The COVID pandemic doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon, nor are online dynamics detrimental to young people. So let’s make sure that every young person questioning their gender gets what they need, not just what they want.

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