I don’t know anything about Dusty Smith, but I’ve seen a few of his videos and enjoyed them. Here’s his latest: A video reviewing the “History” Channel’s series on the Bible, the entire review taking less than ten minutes. It seems to me that Smith’s crusty commentary serves as a counterbalance to the uncritical cherry-picking reading of the Bible characteristic of many American religions.
In the following video Dusty asks how self-respecting women can claim to be Christians, even in light of the New Testament.
Another unattributed quote I noticed on Facebook:
“Christianity: Sending telepathic messages to a Jewish ghost, letting him know that you will accept him as your master and ask him to remove a magical curse that was passed down to you because an old woman that was made from the rib of her partner ate a piece of magical fruit from a magical tree because a talking snake told her to. Ask me again why I’m an Atheist?”