Stunning information from Mike Benz, being interviewed by Joe Rogan. It was a long detailed interview that is extremely important for everyone to read. This is shocking, but we all knew that there was coordination in all of the “news outlets that have been marching in lockstep for the past five years to stamp out dissent, including stamping out true information that the government found to be inconvenient. I transcribed the portion of the interview provided in the following Tweet by KanekoaTheGreat. See below.
Mike Benz
On Internews, I’ve been talking about it for a long time, but now the stage is set to really show the extent of this. What we do is we create these pretty little predicates, these pretty little lie words, weasel words, to hide from the American people, and especially from foreign governments what we’re really doing in the area. So we have a catchphrase at State and in state craft. It’s called “independent media.” You can think of that as the State Department’s word for a good guy. Okay, doesn’t mean independent. They are funded by us. They are not independent from the government. They literally submit their work and approval plans for their work plans, for what their cover, for review and approval to the US State Department. They are dog walked the whole way. But we call them independent because they are said to be independent from foreign governments who influence.So basically, they’re independent from the Chinese government, or they’re independent from the Russian government. So there’s just like with the word USAID itself that we talked about last time, it’s your mind playing tricks on you. You’re seeing “aid,” but it’s Agency for International Development. They do the same thing with independent media, which is that, internally to them, it means it’s a good guy for us, because it’s independent from our enemies, but when Americans see that, they think, well, “independent” that means it’s a free actor who’s not being sponsored by any government. But under the banner of USAID’s independent media and media sustainability branches, we fund half a billion dollars a year to this network of, again, over 4000 media outlets. It reaches 778 million people, 9000 journalists “trained.” Remember last time we went over the training? The Atlantic Council with seven CIA directors and annual funding from USAID as well as the State Department and pentagon, how they were holding up “I call BS” placards and putting Trump tweets on screen to flag for disinformation? If you remember, we went over that. Well, this is what training journalists looks like. Not only do they have the direct spawn of media octopus under their direct sub-grantee group, but they then go out and train the journalists who work at all the other ones who aren’t directly sponsored. So they reach everywhere. And you’ll see here, for example, it makes reference to to Jean Bourgault, who is making a half million dollars a year there. . . This has been going viral on X. I’ve been talking about USAID’s role in the censorship industry forever. And if you look up, if you just look up “Internews,” and you just plug in the name, you know, if you just copy paste that, you know, “Jean Bourgault” phrase, you’ll see this in the video section, because it’s everywhere now. She made speeches for a long time.
So this is USAID sponsoring both sides of this. She runs a $500 million mercenary media for hippies, for hire empire, sponsored by USAID. USAID also gave $68 million to the World Economic Forum itself and USAID’s own internal documents show the explicit political targeting of these advertiser networks, and I can show you receipts on that if you just type in the word CEPs, C, E, P, P, S and advertiser on my X timeline.
Okay, so this is Internews, a worldwide media octopus sponsored a half af a billion dollars a year, reaching 9000 journalists, 5000 media outlets. And here’s what they were doing, just on COVID censorship. So “Rooted in Trust” Is an Internews program. It’s a global pandemic “Information Response Program” to counter the unprecedented scale and speed and spread of rumors and misinformation,
Joe Rogan
All which turned out to be true.Mike Benz
All of which turned out to be true. Our own CIA says that. Our own House Oversight Committee says that.Joe Rogan
Every single step of the way. There’s not one thing they said that turned out to be accurate, not the death rate, not the ability to stop infections and transmissions, not the side effects, not the fact that natural immunity is far superior, none of that. Nothing. Not one thing. Not the lab leak theory, nothing. Not even the funding of the research and the actual lab, which was also USAID, right?Mike Benz
Yes, yes.Joe Rogan
$50 millionMike Benz
Right, from UC Davis to EcoHealth directly into and, but yeah. Because I always say, when it’s too dirty for the CIA, you give it to USAID, and that’s why you have all this pandemic stuff. And maybe we can get to that later, but I want to show the scale of this. You sponsored your own state censorship “Rooted in Trust, has tracked more than 19,000 rumors about the virus across 14 plus languages globally, over 81 million people in response to the unique rumors sourced from each country context, this USAID sponsored project has produced a total of over 130 rumor bulletins, 500 radio broadcasts and 480 media stories, through a series of training opportunities, events, peer to peer networks and small grants, “Root in Trust” has supported 550 local media organizations. In order to scan and ban the internet,Joe Rogan
or, more importantly, to connect communities with directly with timely and accurate COVID 19 information.” Oh, this all turned out to be lies.Mike Benz
I only had time before this to text one page of this. Everyone should go through this. This document I’ll post on my x feed. And there’s, there’s millions around this. I mean, this. The whole global coordination was done through this. Through USAID and the US State Department and its partners in the in the UK and in NATO. And you know, the fact that these very organs are implicated in it–these strange DARPA grants around creating the gain of function. You know, the USAID grants that we’re all jumping, you know, animal to human for these things. You know, the presence of folks like Avril Haines, the Deputy Director of the CIA, and then Director of National Intelligence, you know, at these censorship planning conferences for event 201, the fact that state and DOD and the UK Foreign Office all funded all of the censorship organs like the Atlantic Council and Graphica and these others that we went over last time.Basically, they’re the prime suspect for the crime, and they sponsored the entire white blood cell apparatus to swarm any kernel of truth penetrating the membrane in order to orchestrate the cover up. So they’re on both sides of it.
Now we talked about this group, CEPPs last time in our in our hit a few months ago. CEPPs is a program that is basically a joint baby of USAID and the State Department, and is implemented by the USAID’s key operational arm, The National Endowment for Democracy. But this is a USAID program on countering disinformation. Internet censorship is what they do. And we went over this last time. Remember, we played that, that two minute video where they were openly saying that the plan is to get foreign governments to to pass legal reform, pass laws and regulations to stop the spread of misinformation on US social media websites. So us USA would not be able to lobby the US government to do that, because we have a First Amendment. Europe doesn’t, Brazil doesn’t.
But here is from an internal document, February 2021, of USAID’s, CEPPS program. Now this is a 97 page document. They referenced the word “advertiser” and “advertising” in this document 31 times in 97 pages. So this is, and that was three years before that clip. we just saw how far back in motion this is. And I can go back even further that in 2017 [inaudible] and how this network coordinated the very ad boycotts that Elon is subject to and that brought Facebook and Google to their knees when they folded to advertiser boycotts. There you go, “In order to disrupt the funding and financial incentive” using the same phrases that the NCO did “to disinform. Attention is turned to the advertising industry, particularly with online advertising.”
So it goes on to say, thus, cutting the financial support in the ad tech space would obstruct disinformation actors. They’re not human beings. They’re not Americans running mom and pop shops that depend on their Facebook page to be able to promote, you know, advertise their flower business. No, they’re reduced to the “inhuman disinformation actors from spreading messaging online. So the efforts being made to inform advertisers of the risks, such as the threat to brand safety.”
So this is USAID saying, we’ve got to talk to these advertisers and say, hey, you know, brand safety is really important to all your little all your brands. It would be a shame if you were known for putting ads next to misinformation websites like daily wire and the Federalist. That goes on to say, additionally, with this data organizations, and these are partner organizations, this group, CEPPS runs, you know, is together with USAID and the State Department, they run network of hundreds of NGOs around the world that all jointly carry this out. This is what they’re sponsored to do. It says “the aim is to redirect funding to higher quality news domains and improve regulatory and market environments.” Regulatory means laws about this, like the EU Digital Services Act redirect.
So this is a top down US government plan to financially re-engineer the entire economics of the news industry in order to make it so that if you spread messaging against the state or against a sensitive policy issue by the state, you are put out of business. You cannot professionalize. You can’t compete with CNN or New York Times or MSNBC. This is what happened to Breitbart, for example, and they got caught up in this. Got caught up in this web. They lost 99% of their advertising revenue. They were going up like this. And however you feel about Breitbart, these are the, these are the plain facts of this inaction. They were a rising star in the 2016 election, Steve Bannon, who was the head of that went on to be the, basically the top White House advisor. Directly, they got crushed when 99% of their ad revenue.
This is why everyone’s having to switch to bilking our own citizens to pay for it, because the natural thing advertisers would want to do–a return on investment for putting ads, on on news sites or social media–they can’t do because they’re getting pressure from the government.
And so now look at the bottom. Now I don’t have this, but any members of Congress, or Doge or House or Senate oversight, or White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, I implore you: a few examples of advertiser outreach are included in Annex three. I don’t have that annex. It’s not available from on the USAID website that I downloaded this from before it went down. The USAID is giving out examples of advertiser outreach: how to pressure them in order to do this. And there’s much more there. If you go to the next slide, for example, they have whole categories of what USAID wants media companies to do wants, wants, regulatory bodies to, do wants, all of its other whole of society partners do. But here’s just the first two entries from this. “What can technology companies do?” So this is USAID, telling Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, uh, TikTok, Reddit, Twitch. “Eliminate the financial incentives.” Nuke their ad revenue, if we don’t like what they say. “What could national governments do?” Again, this is our government funded by our tax dollars, telling foreign governments that they should regulate ad networks to kill the ad revenue of US social media websites and US News entities, like has been caught up in the advertiser database at State and USAID under the Biden administration, and there’s a million more examples like this.
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